Hydro Med, Inc. is a family-owned business founded by Dr. Murray Grossan, an ear, nose, and throat specialist practicing in L.A., CA. Dr. Grossan is the inventor of pulsatile sinus irrigation, a drug-free method to improve sinus health. Our business office is on Sepulveda Blvd. in the Mission Hills area (see our contact page), staffed by very nice, hard working employees dedicated to helping you and improving your health. Please be nice to them on the phone or in email.
Hydro Med was started when Dr. Grossan was frustrated that his patients weren't getting the best care. They were getting great care from the point of view of drug companies (getting drugs that didn't get at the root of the problem), they were getting the best care from the clinic's point of view, or the best care that was available - but better care was possible. He wanted to do better for his patients.
Starting in 1973, Dr. Grossan got rid of his nasty high-pressure nose cleaner (what used to be called a "Proetz" device), and started experimenting with motors and devices that would pulsate, like the cilia of the nose and sinuses, not like the steady stream that comes out of a fire hose. He worked on ways to measure how well the sinus cilia actually worked before and after treatment ("The Saccharine Test"). When he was able to show objectively that sinus cilia, in many sinus conditions, work better after pulsatile irrigation treatment, he began treating patients with pulsatile irrigation, and developed a machine for home use - the beginning of Hydro Med, Inc.
Today you can get the most updated version of Dr. Grossan's pulsatile irrigation machine - the one and only machine designed especially for pulsatile sinus irrigation - The Grossan HydroPulse® Neo. Dr. Grossan went on to develop a more gentle and effective irrigation solution than the plain saline originally used, his Breathe-ease® solution.
Dr. Grossan is the author of some half a dozen books on sinus, stress and relaxation, and other health topics, and has even found beneficial enzyme formulas for sinus, ear, and throat health, Clear-ease®, as well as antioxidant formulas to help hearing and presbycusis. Dr. Grossan is also a pioneer in the treatment of headaches, and teaching bio-feedback to patients to help them cure themselves.